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I have a particular affinity for KirbyCMS. This file-based CMS allows me to build lightweight, fast, and flexible websites. Its simplicity and flexibility make it an ideal choice for managing content, especially when working on projects that require a high degree of customization.

  • #!/bin/bash
  • .twig
  • a-bem
  • aBEM
  • ACF
  • Adobe Experience Manager
  • AEM
  • agile
  • AlpineJS
  • APCu
  • API
  • atlassian
  • Atomic Design
  • BEM
  • Bitbucket Server
  • Bootstrap
  • bower
  • charles.app
  • Citrix
  • CMS
  • code reviews
  • commitHooks
  • components
  • Confluence
  • CQ5
  • CSS
  • css
  • cssComb
  • CSS framework
  • debugging
  • DevOps
  • Docker
  • e-commerce
  • es6
  • ES6
  • esLint
  • filebased
  • Flash
  • FlatfileCMS
  • fontdesign
  • Fractal.js
  • framework
  • Frontend
  • Gadget
  • gatsby
  • gd
  • geoJSON
  • git
  • gitHub
  • GraphQL
  • gridsome
  • gulp
  • handlebars
  • handlebarsjs
  • html
  • HTML
  • HTML5
  • https://fractal.build
  • Jamstack
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • javascript
  • Jira
  • jQuery
  • JSON
  • Kirby3
  • Kirby4
  • KirbyCMS
  • Laraval
  • Laravel
  • Laravel MIX
  • leaafletJS
  • legacy
  • less
  • living styleguide
  • mailJet
  • mapBoxGL
  • mapsLibre
  • mapsLibreGL
  • mapTiler
  • Markdown
  • Microsite
  • Mix
  • MIX
  • modhttp2
  • modules
  • mysql
  • node
  • npm
  • nvm
  • onepager
  • OPcache
  • openGraph
  • OsXWidget
  • paralax
  • patternlab.io
  • php
  • Php8.1
  • PhpCMS
  • pipelines
  • PostCSS
  • preprocessor
  • PRPL
  • purgeCSS
  • PWA
  • react
  • Rebrush
  • REST
  • restfull
  • roots.io
  • sage10
  • sageIO
  • SASS
  • scrum
  • Sketch.app
  • Softwareentwicklung
  • Spryker
  • spryker
  • Stash
  • staticSite
  • storytelling
  • styleguide
  • Stylguide
  • svg
  • swf
  • Tailwind
  • TailwindCSS
  • tailwindCSS
  • template
  • THeme
  • theme
  • three.js
  • Travis
  • ui
  • UI Developper
  • utility-first
  • UX
  • vagrant
  • vanillaJS
  • Vite
  • VM
  • vue
  • vue.js
  • Wdget
  • webpack
  • Webpack
  • WordPress
  • Wordpress
  • yarn
  • 🧑🏽‍💻
A bearded man wearing a black jacket and a black cap stands against a concrete wall, looking slightly to the side.

Born in 1975 and raised in Hamburg, studied Graphic and Communication Design at HAW Hamburg.
Self-employed since 2007.