Go and get a new browser



front & backend engineering component based sage10 php CMS website.


  • W.A.F. GmbH
  • Malte Müller
  • Lucas Esser
  • Silke Brandes
  • ACF
  • Atomic Design
  • BEM
  • CSS
  • DevOps
  • es6
  • esLint
  • pipelines
  • PostCSS
  • purgeCSS
  • roots.io
  • sage10
  • SASS
  • Tailwind
  • ui
  • utility-first
  • vanillaJS
  • webpack
  • yarn
  • 🧑🏽‍💻


  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • Technical Support
  • Technical Concept
  • Deployment
  • Accessibility
  • Performance Optimization
  • SEO Optimization
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Responsive Design
  • Framework and Libraries
  • Prototyping
  • Database Management
  • Security and Data Protection
  • Testing and Debugging
  • DevOps and Continuous Integration

RS LXMBRG with Zoff
Atomic Design, BEM, CSS, HTML5, living styleguide, node, npm, nvm, REST, restfull, roots.io, SASS, Softwareentwicklung, TailwindCSS, vanillaJS, webpack, WordPress